A few days ago I completed the winter pruning of my roses. It’s really important to prune plants because it clears deadwood, helps to reduce disease, encourages air circulation and lets more light in. Therefore, it allows the plant to focus its attention and energy on producing beautiful green shoots, blooms and fruit for the next season. And, winter is the ideal time to give roses a good strong prune.
Time For Some Life Pruning?
Just like plants, our life needs a good pruning from time to time. We need put aside some time to take stock of our life, and to evaluate where we are going. We need to ask questions, such as:
- Where am I now?
- Where do I want to be?
- What is most important to me?
- Am I honouring what is most important to me?
- Are my current habits supporting what is most important to me?
Start Pruning
Based on the answers to the above questions, it’s time to start pruning your life. Especially if you are tired, stuck or at a cross-road in your life and have an important decision, goal or other outcome you want to achieve.
It’s time to eliminate things that drag you down, drain our energy and cause you to shrink. It’s time to prune the areas of your life which are not supporting the direction you want to grow in.
The Benefits
Pruning your life will help bring you into alignment with what’s most important. It will help to freshen up your focus and energy. And, it will help to create more space for your life to grow, bloom and flourish.
Take a few minutes now. What part of your life could do with some pruning?
If you’d like to find out more about how I can help you with an important decision, goal or other outcome you want to achieve, click here to contact me.