Recently I was travelling with a friend. I boarded a train ahead of her with my son Charlie in his pram in one hand, day pack on my back and my suitcase in the other. My friend boarded behind me on the crowded train. The door alarm beeped loudly and closed, and she was stuck and struggling to move forward. Then it kept beeping loudly and insistently because it was still ajar.
The Real Problem That Kept Her Stuck
Initially it seemed her backpack was caught in the door, so she was pulling forward to release it. However, when I took another look I noticed that it was actually her plastic bag with fruit in it that was stuck. The bag was being stretched out with the pressure and the offending apple, the real problem, was wedged tightly in the door.
I laughed alot. Especially when I thought about how this simple piece of fruit, which is actually quite soft in reality, was holding these powerful electronic train doors open. It was withstanding all that pressure and resistance, stopping the train from moving because the doors weren’t fully shut.
Eventually the doors were released. I extracted the apple from the door, and the train continued on it’s journey.
The Simplest Things Can Keep You Stuck
Sometimes it’s the simplest things in life that keep us stuck and struggling to achieve our goals. Some of these things we can recognise or see, and other times they are in our blind spot. Either way, like the apple in the train door, they stop us. At these times it is valuable to have a person standing alongside us, to point out what’s going on, and to assist in releasing us.
What small things are keeping you stuck? And what are you doing to free yourself?
Further Information On Things That Keep You Stuck
For more information and free resources, visit my blog “3 Blocks That Sabotage Your Success And What To Do About It” You’ll learn:
- 3 ways you may be sabotaging your success
- How these block keep you stuck
- Exercises you can implement today to get unblocked
I’d love to hear from you, so please share your thoughts …
As a coach, I’m always helping people to gain clarity on where they are stuck and how they empower themselves to forward. If you’ve got something which is holding you back from making progress on achieving your big goal, then click here to contact me now and we’ll organise a time to chat.
Warm regards
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