The ability to change your thinking and behaviour is effected by the health of your brain. Today’s video is a 15 minute TedXOrangeCoast talk, by Daniel Amen, about that very important organ – the brain. It’s a fascinating talk what has been revealed through 83,000 brain scans, and study of normal brains with people who have psychological, behaviour and functional problems.
Here are a couple of key points I found interesting from the talk:
- Psychologists generally look for symptom clusters. They are one of the only professions that don’t look at the organ they treat.
- Poor behaviour is an expression of the problem (not the problem it’s self). Brain health and function is the core issue.
- The brain can be rehabilitated. You are not stuck with the brain you have; you can make it better.
- Looking at the brain enables appropriate treatment. It gives the information required to the practitioner who can then establish the most appropriate treatment in terms of medication, therapy and other available options.
Empower yourself by looking after your brain’s health with healthy habits and you’ll find it easier to make the changes required to transform your life, breakthrough to new levels of success and achieve your goals in life.
Are you looking for ways to inspire, empower and educate yourself to achieve more of your goals and live the life you desire? If so, I’d love to help you. Please contact me to Book a time to chat, or check out our services at the Health Pursuit website.
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