I was sitting in a museum garden the other day and there were a few grey pigeons under foot. My son pointed at it excitedly saying “bird … bird”! In his eyes he saw this amazing living creature moving around and was excited to see it was up close. I nodded eagerly in agreement with him, wanting to encourage his enthusiasm for life. It got me thinking about how pigeon thinking creates success blocks, keeping us stuck and preventing progress towards our goals …
Pigeon Thinking Creates Success Blocks
Unlike children, most of us see pigeons as ordinary, uninteresting and dull looking birds which we don’t bother giving attention to. This is what I call ‘pigeon thinking’. We can get so caught up in the busyness of life and getting things done that we get complacent about things which we see on a routine basis, or which we dismiss as ordinary.
… that’s all pretty normal stuff of course but what are we overlooking when we have pigeon thinking? What are the gifts, around us that we are ignoring? What are the opportunities and resources that we are blindly missing? This type of pigeon thinking’ can keep us stuck, and block success towards our goals.
Looking Through The Eyes Of Children
By bringing ourselves out of our thinking minds and into the physical present moment, we begin to see, hear and feel the world around us. It allows us to to appreciate the beauty around us, to be energised by the world around us and to experience more joy. It allows us to look on life with renewed wonderment; we can be excited by what’s around us just like my son
One of the reasons why we can become distracted, unaware and disengaged with the present, is that our mind has become cluttered. It is overfull with things we think we need to do and obligations we feel we should fulfill. There’s no space for the min to be in the present, to smell the roses, to experience more of the natural flow of life.
Unblock Pigeon Thinking
To achieve more of your goals, look at where pigeon thinking has crept into your life. You then need to look at strategies to unblock your pigeon thinking and create habits which support your goals.
Do you have pigeon thinking? Is it blocking your success?
I love helping people to live a more inspired life and to achieve their goals. That’s why I’ve been coaching people for years on shifting their pigeon thinking and removing their success blocks. It frees up their time, energy and resources. and allows them to actively implement their goals. It also allows them to create more space to be in the present, to enjoy the gifts of life around them.
For more information and free resources on removing success blocks, visit my blog “3 Blocks That Sabotage Your Success And What To Do About It” You’ll learn:
- 3 ways you may be sabotaging your success
- How these block keep you stuck
- Exercises you can implement today to get unblocked
If you’ve lost your spark and are tired of have ordinary, uninteresting and dull pigeon thinking , and you want some assistance to get unblocked, then Contact Me now and we’ll organise a time to get on the phone and chat.
Warm regards
Great blog, interesting read, keep them coming !
I used to actively despise pigeons because that hoot hoot they do was what woke me up for work a good half hour before I was ready. And on weekends that noise cut through my hangover … But now also through the eyes of an infant I have come to appreciate the pigeons almost as much as the colourful playful lorikeets also in our backyard. … And I am also more “present” generally and less prone to resentment as my life has more in it for which I am grateful …