In my last post I mentioned that people who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions. Today I’m following you up on your 2017 resolutions.
Haven’t Made Any New Year’s Resolutions?
If you’re someone who hasn’t yet set down any clear resolutions, you may like to increase your level of success this year by addressing this. Take some time to reflect on what’s truely important to you this year, and what resolutions you could make which authentically reflect your intentions and desired focus this year.
2017 New Years Resolutions – How Are You Progressing After The First Week?
For those of you who have made one or more New Years resolutions: How are you progressing after the first week?
If you continued to the end of the first week, well done! Your part of the 75% who’ve maintained there resolution/s up to this point. Keep taking action so that you can build your momentum and increase your ability to succeed at your resolution in 2017.
Conversely, if you haven’t, you’re part of the 35% who’ve already failed at their resolution within the first week. If this is you, take some time to reflect. Was it just a flippant resolution made over a few drinks and social banter? If so, be kind to yourself by consciously de-committing and letting it go. No point pushing yourself or beating yourself up for not taking action when you’re not truely committed.
Or are you actually serious about making some progress on your New Years resolution? If you are serious, then recommit. Then DO something TODAY to set yourself up for success, and get your resolution moving!
Achieving Future Success
If you want to achieve success in any area of your life you need to be able to set a resolution and then follow through with consistent action, until your resolution is completed or achieved.
For those of you who have set new Year’s resolutions – I’d love to hear from you about:
- What’s your new Year’s resolution/s for 2017?
- How you are progress so far?
So please share with me by adding your comment below or sending me an email.
May your New Years resolutions translate to a happy, healthy and productive 2017 for you and a year which is filled with achievement, growth and success.
Warm regards