Today’s wise words on getting caught in a mental trap comes from American Tony Robbins (born 1960). Tony Robbins is an author, entrepreneur, philanthropist and life coach. He has touched many people’s lives – including my own through his health, wealth and peak performance books and seminars. He has also worked with many high profile people on an individual basis including: Bill Clinton, Serena William, Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana and Hugh Jackman. Read more about my story in a moment.
Here’s today’s wise quote from Tony Robbins;
“Often we are caught in a mental trap of seeing enormously successful people and thinking they are where they are because they have some special gift. Yet a closer look shows that the greatest gift that extraordinarily successful people have over the average person is their ability to get themselves to take action.”
– Anthony Robbins.
The Mental Trap
My first experience with Tony Robbins was in about 2002. It was at one of his seminars when I attended his Unleash The Power Within. At this event he coached thousands of ordinary people to walk across hot coals. The purpose of the fire walk is for participants to experience a new level of what’s possible. He has been teaching since 1983.
In order to get people to do the fire walk he had to train them out of the mental traps. Walking through hot goals is something that most people would perceive as life threatening, and would not even attempt. The wrong mindset significantly increases the risk of burning your feet on the hot coals. It also makes people quit and not even doing the activity. The right mindset gets a person thinking and doing the right things to safely cross the hot coals. So Tony had to prepare and train our minds away from mental traps which may prevent success.
It was a powerful lesson. Not everybody did the activity – but it certainly was an amazing experience for those of us that did the activity! It definitely showed what our mind is capable of when we focus our mind and take action (or avoid it). When ordinary people get out of the mental trap they CAN achieve extraordinary things!
Breakthrough The Mental Traps
Whether your goal is to walk across hot coals or achieve some other important goal, it’s essential to break through any mental traps blocking you. By doing so you’ll be better able to focus your mind and take actions. Otherwise you’ll never achieve the goals and results you want to achieve.
For more information on some of the common blocks that you may need to breakthrough to achieve different results, visit my blog “3 Blocks That Sabotage Your Success And What To Do About It” . You’ll learn – 3 ways you may be sabotaging your success, how these block keep you stuck and some exercises you can implement today to get unblocked.
Another way you can breakthrough is by working with a coach who can assist you with identifying where you’re getting stuck, creating a roadmap for breaking through, and supporting you to take the necessary actions to succeed To see how I can help you click here to book a time with me and we’ll go over the options.
Your Biggest Mental Trap
I’d love to hear what your biggest mental trap is. Please share your thoughts below or send me a message
With warm regards
PS Remember -to take at least one action step today to progress your most important goals.